The feeling of not belonging, a broken will. The action of photographing as a place of reunion. The forest as the place were " live deep and put to rout all that is not life.." ​​​​​​
Inspired by Henry David Thoreau, in a world where everything is connected I fantasize about the idea of disappearing and living in the forest, about re-connecting. The reunion with my own voice, the forest: the place where I can listen to myself away from all noise and interference. The reunion with the trees, mountains and rivers, with everything sacred and those who inhabit it in harmony. The return to the basic, primary and essential outside this society that pushes to the extinction of the 
individuals and the natural landscape. 
These photographs are proof that others, like me, live free and wild.

8x10 large format film photography.
Sentimiento de non pertenza, voluntade crebada. A acción de fotografar como lugar de reencontro. O bosque, o espazo onde “...vivir profundamente e refugar todo aquilo que non fora vida…”
Inspirado por Henry David Thoreau, nun mundo onde todo está conectado, fantaseo coa idea de desaparecer e vivir nos bosques. Fantaseo co reencontro. O reencontro coa miña propia voz, coas árbores, cos montes, cos ríos, con todo o sacro e os seres que o habitan en 
harmonia. O retorno ao básico, primario e esencial lonxe dunhaa sociedade que empurra á extinción do invidividuo e da paisaxe natural. 
Estas fotografías son a proba de que outros, coma min, viven libres e salvaxes

Fotografía química de gran formato en 8x10 pulgadas.
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